“The Third Stage” by Kendra Fortmeyer “Stepping Over My Shadow and Stepping Into Another” by Adam Clay “Dis Mem Ber” by Joyce Carol Oates, in Boulevard #94 “We May Be Like Fish” by Anna Lea Jancewicz Issue #19 of the Adroit Journal Poetry, February 2017 issue The daily poetry found...
“The Village with All of the Boyfriends” by Zachary Doss “The Murder Sounds” by Amy Silverberg “How to Spend Your Time Before the Renegade Planet Makes It All Go Dark” by Justin Lawrence Daugherty “Grief as Mythos” by Brandon Taylor “Let’s Not Begin” by Maggie Smith “How the End Begins”...
The Millions covers a long list of upcoming books in 2014. Like I don’t have enough in my to-read pile already. This dialect quiz got passed around the internet quite a bit recently. I took it and was surprised how easily it picked out the Ft. Lauderdale/Miami/Pembroke Pines areas for...
Ray Bradbury passed away recently. I read Fahrenheit 451 when I was in middle school. I believe we also watched the movie adaptation of Something Wicked This Way Comes, although I used to think it was just a bad dream I had. I never really got around to reading more...
I’ve been keeping quiet lately about some of my projects because I haven’t been sure of what’s going to happen and what isn’t. I didn’t want to build myself up only to have myself torn down before anything was even clarified. My god, I’m still so incredibly insecure. But I...