I have been typing and typing, but no words. Numbers instead. Little robot doing repetitive tasks. The nerves are dead. Open your hands for me. They’re too soft. I can almost feel the blood. They might make nice replacements. In November, I attended the Miami Book Fair with an old...
It has been far too long. I promise that will be the last time I write that on here. Fortunately, I do have things to say. Mostly, I’ve been writing for myself. When are you not, you might ask. Well, let’s be more specific: I have been writing in my...
If you hadn’t noticed already, I’m able to cross off one of my little resolutions from my list: blog makeover. I think it came out nice. New theme, but I decided to bring back the chameleon. I’ve missed my old mascot. I’ve also been devouring several books at once, so I...