Tag: art

Carousel #14

A book-loving teen discusses how he has to deal with “dumbing himself down” and pretending to be someone else while among his peers and growing up in an environment that doesn’t particularly encourage reading. My sister showed me this art blog and I fell in love. I especially love the...

Writing and Loneliness

I’ve been extremely ill this past week or so. I could barely even talk. All I’ve been doing is watching DVDs in bed and trying my hardest to sleep the sickness away. Fortunately, I’ve been doing a lot better lately. I’ve finished reading the newest issue of the Indiana Review,...

Carousel #7

Mark Z. Danielewski, author of House of Leaves, writes a letter to a girl from OKCupid and it’s pretty hilarious. I came across a really fantastic blog called The Book Cover Club, where people read books and then design new covers for them. Check it out! I’ve always been a fan of surreal art....

Swimming Through the Cesspool

I was having a conversation with a game developer friend of mine recently (aspiring – still learning the ropes, and there are many of them) about the problem with stagnation in the video game industry. It’s sort of funny how often you see a lot of people talking about these...