- Perfect for the holidays, here is Emily Dickinson’s recipe for gingerbread.
- Special thanks to my dear friend Caitlin for this find: Tori Amos talks about how poetry has inspired her and recites “Lady Lazarus” by Sylvia Plath. Very eloquent and moving interview.
- The lovely people at Foxing Quarterly are looking for submissions for their next issue. Deadline is the new year! Get to it!
- My sister has asked me time and again if I will ever get a tattoo for myself. The main issues is that I never really could decide on what I would get, but this serotonin tattoo is a distinct possibility. Maybe that’s something that will happen in 2013, who knows.
- This is refreshing (but also very miserable) to see: writer Jonathan Evison does a breakdown of the money he has earned throughout the years as a novelist. In the end, it is still very nice to see how he finally did catch a break, after all that time.
- And of course, this carousel wouldn’t be complete without end-of-the-year lists! Here is the Year in Reading series over at the Millions, which is being updated regularly.
- And, via BuzzFeed, here is a list of writers and the best books they read in 2012. Note: not necessarily books that were published this year, just good books that were memorable to them.
- Finally, the Atlantic compiles a list of the worst words of 2012.
Carousel #16

Kay Hart
December 28, 2012 at 12:16 amHi Joseph. Finally got to take a look at your latest posting. Enjoyed it. Thanks for including the various lists of books and especially the worst words article. Wishing you a wonderful 2013.
Kay H.
December 29, 2012 at 5:02 pmThanks for being such a loyal reader, Kay! Take care for now.