Tag: essays

Recommended Reading #4

“The Village with All of the Boyfriends” by Zachary Doss “The Murder Sounds” by Amy Silverberg “How to Spend Your Time Before the Renegade Planet Makes It All Go Dark” by Justin Lawrence Daugherty “Grief as Mythos” by Brandon Taylor “Let’s Not Begin” by Maggie Smith “How the End Begins”...

Recommended Reading #2

Goddessmode, a small anthology of videogame writing by women and non-binary writers Corium Magazine, Issue 20 “The Grifted” by Jac Jemc “There Is No Map for Grief: On the Work of Art” by Lidia Yuknavitch “Aubade with a Broken Neck” by Traci Brimhall “What Do We Have in Our Pockets?”...

Carousel #6

Apparently, there’s been some book banning going on in Arizona in regards to the Mexican-American immigrant experience. I’m still regularly shocked and appalled by the racism and censorship that is allowed in this country. A graphic novel adaptation of the classic children’s book A Wrinkle in Time is coming out this year. Check out...

Carousel #1

So I’ve decided to introduce a new feature to this blog: carousels. Essentially, this is where I send you on a trip around the internet. Special places that helped define my week, highlights that include fascinating things to read, look at, listen to, watch. Things to inspire and thoughts to turn over. Enjoy! I...