Category: carousels

Carousel #8

(A somewhat late carousel. I found a lot of things last week, but I just forgot to keep track of some of them. Sorry!) No Pulitzer Prize was given out for the Fiction category this year. It was quite hilarious to see the deluge of sarcastic and infuriated comments by...

Carousel #7

Mark Z. Danielewski, author of House of Leaves, writes a letter to a girl from OKCupid and it’s pretty hilarious. I came across a really fantastic blog called The Book Cover Club, where people read books and then design new covers for them. Check it out! I’ve always been a fan of surreal art....

Carousel #6

Apparently, there’s been some book banning going on in Arizona in regards to the Mexican-American immigrant experience. I’m still regularly shocked and appalled by the racism and censorship that is allowed in this country. A graphic novel adaptation of the classic children’s book A Wrinkle in Time is coming out this year. Check out...

Carousel #5

All I really want for my birthday this year is Scrivener. Sounds absolutely perfect. Have some chiptunes I came across. Music made with a GameBoy, for those not in the know. Here’s an interesting article about Tumblr as the modern commonplace book. I’ve never kept one of my own, although I suppose this blog...

Carousel #4

I came across the story of Joyce Carol Vincent, a 38-year-old woman from London who died alone at home and whose skeleton wasn’t discovered until three years later. It’s horrible to think how this could possibly happen, and probably happens a lot more than we think. I think the most awful...