The First Rejection

I got my first official rejection this week. It was sort of strange because I honestly thought I would be much more disappointed – in myself, obviously, or perhaps in the journal that didn’t believe in me. But if anything, I actually feel more excited now. More excited to write and more excited to try again.

I’ve started to use Duotrope to track my submissions and the subsequent rejections/acceptances. It’s useful for organizing everything simultaneously. Maybe this is a bit too obsessive for some people, but I’m the type that keeps lists and likes to pin things down so I don’t go completely crazy.

I’ve also been helping read through more submissions at Hobart. I really hope we end up publishing a novella or two. But I’ve been talking with the editor and we’ve noticed how most of the submissions have been largely disappointing. There’s a few really great ones, but it made me realize just how many rejections will be sent out anyway. It’s made me realize how rejections are constantly happening everywhere out there and how everyone will need to keep trying again and again. It was sobering. Maybe that’s why I’m not as angry and dejected as I thought I would be with my own rejection.

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