Converting Non-Readers, by an Ex-Non-Reader

So, I was a guest writer for ReadLearnWrite. Thanks to Mr. Brandon Monk for having me. My post just went up today. It’s about my childhood as a very dedicated non-reader (which may seem surprising?) and growing up in a household without books and how things have changed since then. It also goes into how I try to foist books on people now on a regular basis (including little anecdotes about these attempts with my family).

I’ve also sent out some writing to journals, as well as a national poetry contest. I’m getting a bit crazy I think. I have to start somewhere though, I suppose – may as well be that! If I don’t win, I’ll just quit writing forever. No big deal.

I think I handle rejection pretty well, if you ask me. If you really want to know my secret: I’ve been prepping myself with this special rejection generator.


  1. I am a little late with responding to this (finals, papers, blah blah blah busy stuff excuses!) but Joseph, this is so great! Thank you for sharing. I come from a dedicated family of non-readers, as well, who often tell me that they don't know how I can get through all of the boring books I read. When I was younger my mother occasionally read cheap little paperbacks, like mystery and detective novels, but she would get so busy with work she didn't have time. I suppose the greatest compliment that my mama ever gave me was that she started reading occasionally again because I was such an avid reader. She began checking digital books out from the library to read on her iPad, so that whenever she had downtime she could read a page or two. Of course, they aren't books I would ever read, but I still felt so connected to her because she was finally getting involved in something I cared about deeply and passionately. Now, she constantly bugs me to write my own novel, which is obviously an encouraging thing to hear from someone who never really "got" what it was that you enjoyed and did constantly. Sometimes being 'artistic' can be difficult, but I think the best thing is when people come around and make an attempt to get involved in what you find interest in. That is the greatest thing in the world.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing with the world your story. Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic.

    And I promise I won't be such a stranger come May!


    1. It's strange how all that worked out, isn't it? It's very difficult to get any of my family members to read anything, and it's puzzling how I turned out the way I did, I think. From time to time, my family tells me I should write a book too, although for different motivations (mostly, the $$$).

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